Monday, November 27, 2006

A cigarette with a kiss...

I just went outside for a smoke break, and there was an old bum walking beside his old bicycle, and he stopped and stared at me. I turned the other way... trying to pretend like I didn't see him. He had an unstuffed teddy bear attached upside down on his handle bars and he used it like a bag, the bear's bottom holding his belongings. then he yelled to ask if he could have a cigarette. I said hmm well they're in the office but here, you can have this one (the one I had just light up) and he smiled at me and with sparkly eyes he said : Aaaaah a cigarette with a kiss! Ewwww!

I went inside to get another smoke and I waited 2 minutes before going back out.... When I went outside he was standing on the other side of the street and he was unstuffing his bear/bag, and then he detached it from his bike and put his hand inside to make the bear wave at me. Awww! hehe


Scatterbrain said...


Lisa said...

Mmmm..I can just picture it, lol.

Leah said...


I think crazy homeless guy has a crush.