Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I found this on someone's blog and think that we should all vote :)

Denali Luna Says:
Merriam-Webster’s on-line dictionary is having a contest for the word of the year! I put in my vote for “Seriously” and if you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan, I hope you will too! I am hoping to start a revolution of Grey’s Anatomy fans casting their votes to see our seriously favorite word as the Word of the Year. They’ll be taking submissions until December 4th and posting the top ten later in December.

Cast your votes here!

SO … all you Grey’s Anatomy Fans get busy!

1 comment:

Kelsie said...

I voted!

AND...I have no idea what type of plant you have there. The flower looks kind of like a hibiscus but not really. The plant part defnintely doesn't resemble one. You have me befuddled.