Thursday, December 08, 2005

There's a big giant void in my life...

...Since I finished the last Qwyzzle level. I can't wait for Ritz to do Qwyzzle 2. My brain wants to bend and go outside the box again. I need more binary sequences and obscure multi-layered mind challenges. Maybe I just say that because I'm done playing. The damn puzzle drove me nuts for a week! Okay two... and then I needed some time to recover from all the brain activity. Then I've sat here at work pondering how to re-start blogging again. I have so much to say. Where to start ? As I was sitting on the floor at 3am last week scrubbing runny dog shit off my beige bedroom carpet, I thought about how much MORE I have to say about dog excrements. But since at least four of you have begged me to stop talking about dog you-know-what, I guess I'll hold back... I'll vent about it to my dog instead. Maybe he'll feel bad for me and stop being so leaky.

I'm not yet in the Christmas spirit, really. Me and J are all alone in the office today AND tomorrow, everyone else is on the road. So we decorated this morning. It looks gorgeous... but after 4 years of decorating the same exact way it gets a little boring. But I won't say anything because head office couldn't care less about Christmas decorations (or anything else that might concern their employees really.) We had to collect money around and pay out of our own pocket to decorate. Those same old same old gold decorations will do just fine. Or Ticka Dee Boo as my best friend would say. Although the reason why everything is gold and green is quite silly I think. A PISNBA (A "Person I Shall Not Blog About... remember ? hehe ) decidced that we should only decorate in gold or silver, that we shouldn't decorate in red or in blue because since we're a government office we're not supposed to show our political colours. PUH-LEASE! Ugh I could write a whole blog about PISNBA's, but I wouldn't want to get caught hehe. Just watch "The Office" on NBC, that's SOOOoooo my office LOL I'm Pam, and every manager around here is like Micheal hehe.

Tonight is Steph's office's Christmas party. UGH!. That's never fun. The only exitement usually takes place between the time the boss starts handing out the Christmas bonus enveloppes until Steph opens it and realizes that the bonus has diminished again. Last year his bonus was like 1/4th of the bonus he had 4 years ago. We have to bring mandatory non-perishable food donations to get in. I forgot to go buy food for that purpose so this morning we were frantically going through out pantry digging out non-perishable food that we didn't care to keep. I put a can of lentils in the donations pile and DH says : "The poor don't want lentils!?". Don't they ? Why wouldn't they ? I'd prefer to have a can of lentils than a package of ramen noodles actually.

They're not even doing a gift exchange this year. It was ridiculous anyways. EVERYONE bought alcohol or alcohol related gifts, and so basically it was just a booze exchange. Last year we brought a bottle of Bailey's and I whispered to Steph : When you name is called, if our gift is still there TAKE IT! I prefer getting Bailey's than generic obscure liquor. He said : If there are gifts up there that look nice and big, should I take a big one ? I said : Well it's your choice really... it's your exchange, plus it'll surely be a bottle of alcohol anyways we'll surely drink it over the holidays. So he of course picks the CRAPPIEST gift ever. It was a hideous USED ceramic plate/clock with bent hands. I sound so unappreciative. All I wanted was booze to drink after the party! Not a friggin' hideous clock!

The party is at the Voodoo. They have the whole club reserved for them. No.. I'm not done ranting about this stupid party. We don't even get a meal this year. Only finger foods this year. Won't that be fun... trying to walk around and socialize and meet people with a mini plate of food in one hand and hopefully a glass of wine in the other, with no hand left to eat and shake hands. Oh wait a minute. This is Steph's Christmas party. Hand shaking would be so uncool and too mature. They probably greet people with wedgies and titty twisters. LOL okay maybe not THAT bad. But close. (Steph is 26 and he's one of the oldest ones. When I park there at 5pm to pick him up, at 4h59 when the casually dressed employees come out of there in heards and drive away racing their souped up loud fart piped cars, one would easily mistakenly think this is a high school and the bell just rang.) Okay I'm done now. After all Steph's coworkers also fall under the PISNBA rule.

So this afternoon I'm going to have my hair coloured. The last time I went was in August. Can you say white trash? My highlights are brassy and my roots are showing ugh. I don't even know what to wear. Not that no one even remotely dresses up for that annual Christmas party. Although this year it's at a club.. so I bet they're going to dress down more than dress up. I wish it was opened to the public I'd bring Tina.

Well, almost lunch time. Don't worry my blogging hiatus is over, and now I won't shut up :)


Scatterbrain said...

Does Steph have any co workers that are going solo? I could pose as a date...male or female doesn't matter. hehehe.

Mindy said...

I'm so glad you are blogging again, Nancy!