Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Do I look good in this?

Frost warning for tonight? WTH! Where did summer go? I'm soo not ready for winter! So tonight I was trying on fall/warmer clothes to put aside a pile that still fits... I tried on a dark red shirt that I haven't been able to wear in years, and I walked into the kitchen where Steph was and I asked him :

Me : Do I look good in this?

Steph : Yeah, it looks nice.

Me : Are you sure it's not too frou-frou?

Steph : Nah. You don't look like a pirate.

LOL! What!!? If he thought it, that thought must have originated from somewhere! Now I'm paranoid to wear the red pirate shirt although I kinda like it. Maybe I should post a picture of it here for some serious opinions hehe.


Lisa said...

Ha ha, post the pic!

miika said...

Yeah, post the picture!

Peeps said...

if you like it, wear it! and post a pic, too!v

Amanda said...

A....pirate? Yeah, I think we need to see this...

Anonymous said...

Yes, post a pic!

Melissa said...

Yeah, you need to post the pic. I relayed this story to DH last night, he got a kick out of it.

Rebecca said...

I do think you need to post. I'm an expert on pirates so I'd be a good judge :)

Jenn said...

I think we need to see the shirt.

Steph said...
