Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh and Also..

Should I take a mental health day tomorrow ? Please vote! :P

That's all :)


Hobby Chef said...

Definitely. Take two actually - one for yourself and one for me.

Melissa said...

I totally would take tomorrow off. Friday's are the best for mental health ;)

Anonymous said...

I just wish I could take a mental health day tomorrow. It's raining, DH is gone; I would get so much done at home!

Alas, I already know I will be swamped at work so the least you can do is take a mental health day on my behalf, Nancy. ;)

Lisa said...

Yep, than you can add me your MSN and we can waste the day together :)

Lori Anne Haskell said...

of course! U said you and your DH want to run your own business? Don't do it! You can't take mental health days then....:).