Sunday, March 05, 2006

My weekend so far...

It's so unfair how Monday to Friday almost always drags on, but Friday night to Saturday night (my favorite time), whizzes by way too fast.

Friday night we watched the rest of Grey's Anatomy season 1 and 3 episodes of season 2. I frickin love that show! We only got permanently hooked while watching the after superbowl "It's the end of the world" show. So we decided to download all previous episodes from the beginning, since even though we've seen some episodes, it's nice to see them again now that we know who's who and have favorites hehe. At some point during the episodes, DH made Loki (the dog) talk (He said something pretending that the dog was saying it..) And he gave the dog a lisp LOL! That was funny. Why would Loki have a lisp ? Any other person DH ever impersonates has a Mickey Mouse voice, including me. Oh well, it could be worst. I could speak like Mickey Mouse with a lisp.

Today my mom came in town and we went shopping all day. At frenchies first (my favorite second hand clothes store). Then we went to about 5 stores to get ingredients for tomorrow's cooking/freezing in indidual portions fiesta. My mom is the type of person who would rather drive to 4 other stores in order to save 10 cents on a can of peas. I love when my mom comes in town and buys me paper towels, dog treats and other crap that I hate spending money on. I'm a big dork. I'm 26 and I'm still mooching. When I told Judy of my weekend plans to spend time with my mom, she said "Is she moving in with you" ? (She had also come last weekend, as she was/is on medical leave from work for 2 weeks) I said no, before last weekend I hadn't seen her (for more than 5 minutes) since Christmas. Today I told Tina that I spent all day with mom and that she was staying over and she asked "Is she moving in with you" ? Hmm. Why do people think that I see my mom too much ? hehe (I normally see her once every 2 months as we live 3 hours away from each other.) Is there an average of time to spend with one's mom? How much time do you spend with your mom ?

I've got some terrific news for you fans of my uterus! My last two cycles were 26 and 24 days respectively!!!! WOOHOO!!! For those of you who aren't familiar with my uterus, that is QUITE an acomplishment!! (cycle before those 2 was 48 days.. ) yay yay yay! The more regular my bloody cycle is, the more chance I've got of one day getting preggo! *dance*


Heather said...

I'm *so* glad to hear about your regular uterus - I'll bet it's all of your healthy changes paying off.

Mindy said...

NANCY!!!!! First of all - I spent all weekend with my mom. And she lives 10 minutes away.

SECOND OF ALL! YAY, YAY, YAY! on your cycle! That means you are doing well with your health! YAY! You stay on the right track, girl, and you'll get that baby you want. I just know it!


Hobby Chef said...

I'm with the other girls regarding your uterus -that's awesome news!!

And as far as my mom goes, I spend about one weekend with her every two months or so. She lives almost two hours away. I do, however, talk to her pretty much every day.

Kelsie said...

Glad to hear that your uterus is functioning normally again.

I don't spend that much time with my real mom but I do spend that much time if not more with my step-mom. I consider her one of my best friends!

Scatterbrain said...

Congratualtions on your uterus news!
and for the record, I think it's awesome that your mom is spending alot of time with you. :p
