Thursday, October 20, 2005

I just slept a 1/2 day...

I went to bed last night at midnight, and I woke up at 1pm today. I called in dead tired at work. I was so tired in fact I made steph email work for me heh. You might be wondering why I only went to bed at midnight if I was so tired. Well I went to sleep the moment I got home yesterday after work, and woke up at 10pm for lost, then unpacked my suitcase, got ready or bed and it was midnight when I was in bed again. I always feel so guilty calling in sick at work, but I know in my head that it was humanly impossible for me to drag my butt to work this morning.

When I finally climbed in bed at midnight, Loki (the dog) had left me a 'welcome home tired momma' gift on my side of the bed. He had PEED IN! my bed. UGH. Thank God I have a very good mattress cover... but this might be the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm sooo conflicted about this. I've been thinking about it for months. Well honestly ever since we got him it's been a perpetual subject of conflict. We have tried puppy training school, crate training, tethering, nothing but positive reinforcement, etc. We're not at the point where he's being crated all day while we're at work, and after work he's tethered to us so that he can't destroy the house. But the SECOND he gets a chance to escape, he wrecks havoc.

I know animal lovers will again tell me that it's not his fault, that it's our fault. That we're somehow not doing everything we should be doing. But after trying for 1 year and 4 months, having my life revolve around the dog and his bodily functions, having our 1 year and 6 months old house being destroyed.... I find myself thinking about giving up and finding another family better suited for Loki. Maybe an old retired couple in great shape ? (When Loki runs away, it's impossible to catch him a few times we had to run after him and someone else in the car to block him off). I look at my relatively still new house, with pieces of hardwood floor rotting because of the excessive peeing, baseboards rotting for the same reason and being chewed, no one wants to sit on the couch between the pee, crap, hairballs, hair and clawing of it...

We love Loki sooooo much. But on the other hand is it okay for him to destroy our house, our financial future ? I constantly seek advice from my friends on this subject, and for every friend/person who tells me that I would be doing the right thing by giving him away and that I wouldn't be so evil, there's another friend/person who tells me that I'm evil and a bad pet owner and that it would be a stupid thing to do to give up.

The benefits of keeping the pets : unconditional pet love. learning to be more patient everyday. cuteness. They're like family members (who have no respect :P )

The benefits of being pet free : Fixing up what was destroyed and having it stay fixed. Finally being able to get a new couch. No more excrements and excrement smells all over the house. Being able to leave the bedroom and bathroom doors open. A lot more actually but I feel guilty listing them....

What do you think, dear bloggers ?


Scatterbrain said...

Hi Crazy, you already know my opinion, but I 'll say it again anyways....I don't think you are evil by giving away your dog, you tried everything you could and it's just not working out for you, he may need more attention them 2 full time working ppl can give him.

Anonymous said...

I can certainly understand the people who say that pet owners shouldn't give away their animals. After all, you wouldn't give away your baby, right?

The difference is, a baby will evenutally grow into a toddler, then a child who can feed and clothe itself and be trusted in the house without constant supervision. Some pets NEVER grow out of their destructive behavior phase.

I don't think you are evil at all if you find a different home for Loki. You deserve a poo-and-pee-free house, and the dog deserves "parents" who have the time to spend training him and cleaning up after him.

Mindy said...

It would be the dog or my sanity. I would choose my sanity. I don't see anything wrong with it AS LONG AS you find him a home and don't dump him.