Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Crown Plaza Rocks!!

I've been so broke for a month. We've been depriving ourselves to be able to stay on top of our payments etc. Then 10 minutes ago, I was doing my online banking and realized that I had completely forgotten to cancel my hotel reservation for that stupid staff meeting that I didn't attend that was on the same day as my grandmother's funeral. GAH! 120$ charged to my CC for nothing :-S I wanted to cry! (I'm THAT broke right now.) So I called Crown Plaza and explained why I completely forgot to cancel my reservation and they said that under the circumstances they would be happy to remove the charge for me! YAY! Bless their hearts!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Good for them for being so kind! I totally hear you on the broke thing... I just got a new job working with a telecommunications company as a last-ditch must-get-money-because-I'm-gonna-need-another-delivery-of-oil-that-I-don't-have-money-for thing. Sucks.