So Miika asked me to post pictures of the trunk, so here they are... not great quality pictures as the lighting wasn't great and I was in a hurry because we were running late this morning and Steph wanted to stop at Tim Hortons on the way to work. You can see a picture of the trunk, one of the inside of it too. I would like to paint it a nice burgundy/wine colour and keep the metal parts gold. I would love to display the trunk nicely once it's 'refurbished', I love it it makes me think of my grandmother. I'd like to either put it at the foot of my bed, but 2 things : 1- I'm scared the dog would pee on it. 2- My bed is a king size.. would the trunk look disproportionate ? OR I was thinking about asking your opinion on using the trunk in the living room instead of a coffee table.
My living room is pretty contemporary so it would make a big statement in there and add charm... but since the living room is already pretty 'full', would it be hogging too much space ? Although it wouldn't be as long and wide as the current coffee table, but it's... denser... What would you do ? Should I just leave it in the guest room for now and paint it another color ? (My bedroom is gold & burgundy, and the living room is light brown with burgundy/red accents, but the guest room is saige green and brown....) Anyways, here are the pictures, maybe you'll tell me that's it's ugly and to remember my grandmother in the basement instead hehe. (Click Pictures to Enlarge.)
we could put it in our computer room and I could throw the empty pop bottles in it instead of on the floor.
PFft yeah right :P Our tiniest room, and plus as if I'm going to enable your bad habits. PLUS you'd never make the effort to open tht heavy lid to put empty pop bottles in it (assuming this wasn't such a ludicrous idea..) Anyways, this is a "MOO" point :P
Oh wait, I've got an idea, what if we put the trunk in front of the fridge, it would surely make us lose weight because we'd be too lazy to move it to go graze, and we could patent the idea :P
Judy suggested that I put Loki IN the box :-s
I think it would add charm to your livingroom, not that it isn't charming now but you know what I mean
Very cool! My vote is against the living room - having the simple table open underneath makes the space there look more open...if you fill it in by putting a "block" there, I think that would make the room look very full...(er than it is now, LOL!)
Um, yeah, can't see any of the pictures. Not sure what's wrong with Blogger. Sorry!
I like the idea of having it at the end of your bed. You could put some pretty throws and stuff in it. That's what I use my trunk/bench i'm biast, lol.
Mine's in the living room, so I could see both that and the end of your bed (we don't have enough space to put it in our bedroom).
It doesn't have to be the same size as your bed or anything, by the way, it just has to look good :-)
If you're going to keep it in the living room though, I would put a sheet of glass or perspex over the top to protect it. But it might be a bit of a pain having to take everything off the top all the time just to get something out of it. Mine's not used as a table because it looks quite different from yours, not "square" at all (rounded edges and warped top etc.) so it's just decorative for storage.
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