Thursday, August 17, 2006

Weird coincidence...

A few months ago I unsubscribed to the "Purpose Driven Life" mailing list. I just had too many newsletters filling my inbox and at that time I felt like Rick Warren was writing too much about his personal life, situations that I couldn't relate to. I was surprised and annoyed a few minutes ago when I received an Purpose Driven Life newsletter. I haven't received one in months. I always open emails before deleting them because it drives me nuts when outlook tells me that there's unread emails in my deleted folder. I'm glad I opened it! It answered some of the questions I was pondering lately. Questions about what the Bible says about our bodies, health, wellbeing.

Here's the article I just finished reading : These six principles from God's Word will help you get your body in good shape. The newsletter's other articles which also seem interresting are listed on the left.


Hobby Chef said...

That is really, really interesting, Nancy. I never dreamed the Bible had things to say about physical health. I think I'll ignore the one about "do not get drunk on wine," but the rest seem to make sense to me!

Courtney said...

So, the question is Nancy... What has this said to you? And what are you going to do with it? I know you have been searching for awhile for answers to things in your life... has this provided some of those answers. I truly hope so. I worry about you.

Scatterbrain said...

*coughs* you so know what I'm going to say so I won't annoy you by saying it. Ok I will say!! OMG this is soo cool...
Does somegirl remember what she said to me while watching SYTYCD finale?? does she, does she? Right after Donyelle spoke?? something about asking God for direction for years and not getting anything!! HA In your face! (as my 10 yo would say)
Anyways I think that is amazing on so many levels and answers alot of questions for you eh?
love you *smooch*