Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What did I tell you ?

I knew Tina would freak out! So once again, I apologize to Tina. I don't know where I got the flu and I better not come up with anymore theories.


Scatterbrain said...

And i convinced Steph to go get you a cracker cause I felt bad for time you can go...*gasp* ...crackerless...

Tina, still startled by the vast accusations..

Scatterbrain said...

Oh and Nancy I think we should post pone our lunch tomorrow until next week because I don't want to catch your sick....

Tina, hiding from the wrath of sickcrazynancy

Leah said...

I wanted to post this up above, but your blog wouldn't let me...

Wow, thanks for the depression! lmao, I scored low... 5.4

Maybe I should have lied more, ya think?

Anyways, Loki is so adorable... I'm totally enjoying your blog!