Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My butt is numb...

Stephane said it might be a flu symptom. heh. Have you ever heard of numb butt as a flu symptom ? Speaking of my dear husband, he also said that he LIKES when I'm sick. PFFT. He then added : " Because I get to have the car". So nice of him to like me being sick :P Hey I have absolutely no problem quitting my job so I can be a domestic goddess so he can have the car every single day!! :P

I'm still so sick ugh. Everything hurts. Even my teeth hurt. The top of my head is ready to pop off my head is like a pressure cooker. The guilt hurts. The guilt of calling in sick at work for 2 days in a row. Why do I have to feel this guilty ? I can't function, I wouldn't be any good there.

I'm eating chicken noodle soup for breakfast.

Alright. I've got somethign on my mind and I'm just going to come out and say it : I think TINA gave me the flu!! HRMPH! I know she's going to deny it like she denied passing the new years flu to me. But I'm going to defend my poitn of view this time because this flu is MUCH worst.

Stay tuned for more later, my butt is too numb I have to go walk around the house while holding the top of my head secure.


Kelsie said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. I hate being sick. Enjoy your TV time. ;)

Scatterbrain said...

For the love of God...I didn't even have the flu when I saw you, first of all last week I had a throat infection, tonsilitis, which is a bacterial infection and is not contagious, I did not have the flu last week, I had the flu 4 weeks ago...and it would not be contagious 3 weeks later, ask any health professional. It's not my fault you are sick. :p It is flu season, there are flus going around....

Disgruntled Tina