Sunday, October 23, 2005

Not really a day of rest...

I can't believe how productive I was today. Maybe it's all the sleeping yesterday. I haven't seen the house this clean in a while it seems. And it reminded me to call for a new house cleaner tomorrow. I love organizing things and cleaning up clutter... but I despise cleaning the bathroom and doing the floors. yuck! It seems like the stand up shower is not big enough for my big ass to clean it effortlessly. It's like an olympic effort to scrub the bottom of the shower. Plus when I do the floors and bathroom my hand goes numb for 2-3 days after. I woke up this morning with the first 3 fingers of my right hand numb, and they still are. Stupid carpal tunnel. I keep forgetting to call about that wrist brace thingamajig that I'm supposed to wear while I sleep... If my hand is still numb tomorrow it'll be a good reminder I suppose. Maybe that's whyI cleaned so much today.. I kept thinking that maybe the more I would use my hand the faster it would 'wake up'. Kinda like when you keep moving a numb foot to know when it's normal again.

I wonder if any female ever feels like her house is clean enough. I can spend the whole damn day cleaning and scrubbing and I still see dirty things everywhere. *I see dirty things*. I still haven't finished my floors, and the baseboards are dirty, the light fixtures are dirty, the oven, microwave, pantry... Is a glass of Beaujolais the only cheap and efficient way to forget about cleaning or at least put the guilt aside ?

This is "big garbage" week and I'm not looking forward to drag our old queen bed to the curb... along with the broken recliner, broken lawn chair, old double headboard, anything else we have the energy to drag from the basement to the curb plus regurlar garbage. Maybe I should make a spinach salad the day we do this.

Tina commented on Steph's blog that I have yet to comment on his blog. PFFT he hasn't even read mine!! Well he glanced at it to stop the whining coming from my general direction... but he hasn't *really* read it. Isn't this the second time I blog about his lack of appreciation for my bloggin ? Maybe it's really affecting me :P Or maybe it just means I should continue blogging about him and say what I want, since he won't be reading. Like I could write about how he keeps his Katana under our bed for 'protection'. It may actually work; the perpetrator could be weakened by laughter as he sees Seph in his underwear brandishing his katana. *giggles*


Scatterbrain said...

Firstly...Umm...unless your talking about a different Tina...that wasn't me that commented on Steph's blog....I did however find the comment quite rude to'm sure it was a friend who was joking???

Secondly, I'm disgruntled...I'm disgruntled because you added a whole bunch of Blog links to your favorite reads and you didn't add mine...Disgruntled I tell you!!



Mindy said...

I can't imagine wanting Steph to read your blog! I don't even want Tim to KNOW about mine - let alone READ IT! I write about HIM in there! LOL!!!!!