Saturday, October 22, 2005

A nice ice cold Kah-ook...

I was just chatting with Tina.. well I still am.. but we're both simultaneously blogging at the moment. Anyways, I was telling Tina how I find I speak much better english when I have a few alcoholic beverages. For example when I'm sober I say : tree (3), turd (third), fadder and mudder. When I drink, I say FaTHer, Thhhhhhhhhree, MoTHer. I relish in my englishiveness. Okay so now you know I'm not drunk because I just made up a word. When I drink I speak english with confidence; in your FACE TH! THHHHHHHHHH

I was telling Tina how I'm always drawn to people that speak differently. (accents, or just somethign they do when they talk. Well not like burping and farting while talking, but more like for example Tina when she talks she does this charming teech clenching type thing which I can't do it justice by describing it right now. I was saying that Steph always speaks to me 1/2 english, 1/2 french. And I just always reply in french. Well when I drink I try to emulate steph's accent. Like when he orders a Coke, he orders something that sounds like (say it fast) : A Kah-Ook. LOL It doesn't sound quiiiiiiite right, but it's pretty hilarious! Me and Tina have been saying "Kah-Ook" and laughing like idiots!!

Mmmm a big glass of Kah-Ook would be nice right now!

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