Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's my blog and I'll bore you if I want to

As I'm sitting here trying to refrain from getting more coffee, I also feel this inexplicable urge to continue blogging. I shouldn't blog again this soon. Surely you've stopped reading by now. I look at my empty coffee cup, I shuffle some papers to try and look busy... but the urge won't go away. Why shouldn't I blog if I feel like it ? It's MY blog! I've always had issues with overthinking about "what will others think", when they probably don't give a hooping funk. (Ugh, remember where that came from ? Joey on "Blossom". I used to think Blossom was the coolest kid ever. I saw her the other day actually on "Fat Actress" and she looks pretty pathetic.) Anyhoo, I feel like I'm often not living life to the fullest because of my paranoia of being judged by others. I once broke up with a guy because he kept saying "Anyhoo". Strangely, I think it is SO UNattractive when a man says "Anyhoo". Especially if he says it in a high pitched voice. And pushes his glasses back up his nose at the same time. In bed I kept picturing him "Anyhooing" and I just had to break up with him. I wonder where he is now. I remember that his email started by : coolnessinc. LOL how uncool is that.

I can't shut up today! I started this post with the sole intention of talking about my thanksgiving dinner. Stephane is the cook in our house. He cooks, I clean. Yesterday he had to work, so I prepared a romantic candlelight thanksgiving dinner. Diet 7up in the wine glasses and all LOL. I felt so empowered! I felt like such a "wife"! Maybe I should do this more often. I wonder if Steph would clean :P

Seriously, I had a big realization the other day. It all began while reading a thread on the board about dividing domestic chores. I realized that if I put together all the little things Steph does for us (meaning me, the dog and the cats heh) it actually amounts to a really big thing. Yes, I publically admit : I have been taking him for granted. But don't tell him!! heh I have been taking for granted that he cooks most of the meals, he feeds the dog in the morning, he uses the snowblower in the winter and he gets up to put antsy puppy outside on weekends at 6am or whenever Loki (the dog) jumps on his head. He's always made me feel like such a princess that it became easy to take all these things for granted. This realization doesn't mean that I'll stop nagging about his dirty socks in the computer room or dirty dishes in the basement... it just means I'll try not to freak out as much :P


Anonymous said...

Let me just start by saying that I could kiss you for reading my blog. I doubted whether or not I should even start one, but if you like it, that's reason enough for me to continue. ;-)

Second, regarding Mr. Anyhoo ... It's not just you, Nancy. I had a fabulous first date with a guy once, but never returned his phone calls after that because I couldn't bring myself to say his first name out loud (it was Garth). Oh, and then there was the guy I dated in college, who I dumped due to a slightly discolored front tooth.

Heather said...

Blog as much as you want. We'll read it.

Trust me - I'm the queen of blogging about NOTHING.

Umm... what else was I going to write about? Eh, I don't even know. It's been a long day.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up.